Reflection is often used by framework-type code, and for this you may want the framework to have full access to your code without concern for normal access restrictions. 反射经常由框架型代码使用,由于这一点,您可能希望框架能够全面接入您的代码,无需考虑常规的接入限制。
This means that you can run a full Linux system as a process on your normal system. 也就是说,您可以在您的正常的系统之上以一个进程的方式来运行一个完整的Linux系统。
I know full well, of course, that this is completely normal. 当然,我也很清楚这是完全正常的。
At full capacity, with normal rainfall, New Melones should have enough water for nearly two million households for a year. 容量饱和、雨量正常的时候,新梅洛内斯湖本应足以为近200万家庭供水1年。
We are enclosing our price-list and terms of business, in which you will find full details of our normal trade discount. 随函附上价目表及交易条件,其中您可看到我们平常交易折扣的全部细节。
20 neonates of full term normal delivery selected from midwifery cases were served as control group synchronously. 产科同期健康足月新生儿20例为对照组。
In this situation, you can take a standard action or a full attack action as normal. 在此状况下,你可以如平常使用标准动作或全力攻击。
Whether the tuition can be charged in full and on time will directly affect the normal operation of colleges and universities. 大学生欠费是当前高校存在的一个普遍问题,学校能否及时足额收取学费将直接影响高校正常运转。
On the other hand, when bile is excreted properly, the liver can give full play to its function in regulating the normal flow of qi. 另一方面,只有胆汁的排泄正常,肝才能充分执行其正常的理气功能。
This is the approach that Rubinius'full speed debugger uses-with "full speed" meaning that a program runs at it's normal speed even if it's being debugged. 这正是Rubinius的全速调试器所采用的方案&这里的“全速”意指程序即便是在被调试时,也能保持正常的运行速度。
Equally important is: said with the regular "full of magnetism" voice. a little low than normal voice that doesn't sound particularly interesting. 同样重要的还有:经常用“充满磁性”的声音说话。比平常的声音稍微低沉一点的声线,听起来会特别引人注意。
Ah selected high-efficiency motor full closure motor, normal maintenance is very simple, down to overcome the past, the need to bake the electrical power problems. 电机选用丫型高效全封电机,平时维护很简单,克服了以往停机后,需通电烘烤电机的难题。
X-ray examination of cervical spine, NAD; full blood count, completely normal: ESR 2mm/ h; urine, no glycosuria. 颈椎X线检查无明显疾患;全血细胞计数完全正常红细胞沉降率为一小时2毫米;无糖尿。
Today, Patty is home recovering, and her doctors say she should live a full and normal life. 医生说她应该能过完全正常的生活。
Objective To clone new full length cDNA from normal pituitary and pituitary tumors. 目的从正常垂体及垂体瘤组织中克隆新的全长cDNA。
Male 7, female 2, full term newborns considered normal at birth, onset of distress presented within 11 days after birth ( 6 cases < 3 days). 男7例,女2例,均为足月儿,发病日龄在11天以内(<3天者6例),以哭后或吃奶后突然气急,面色发青而入院。
Full-Field Electroretinogram in Normal Persons 正常人全视野视网膜电图
Middle overlain pressured abundant ( full) gas pools with normal pressure; 中覆压富(满)集型常压气藏;
It is Insulin resistance that the insulin is not to bring into full play effect under normal contraption, because the effect of insulin decreased on intape and clearing glucose in peri-constitution. 胰岛素抵抗(InsulinResistance,IR)是指由于胰岛素在周围组织摄取和清除葡萄糖的作用减低,使其不能发挥正常效应的病理生理状态。
Results and economical analysis demonstrated that functional lipid for piglets was the most effective and economic feed fat special for post-weaning piglets as compared with soybean oil, extruded full fat soybean oil and normal feed fat powder. 试验结果与经济分析表明:与大豆油、膨化大豆油脂、普通脂肪粉A相比,仔猪专用功能性脂肪B是最为高效和经济的断奶仔猪用饲料脂肪。
Methods: Selected 114 cases of newborn after suffocate, 26 cases of which were premature and 88 cases were full-month. Selected 48 cases of normal newborn, 20 cases of which were premature and 28 cases were mature. 方法:选择114例窒息新生儿,其中26例早产儿、88例足月儿进行研究,选择48例无窒息新生儿,其中20例早产儿、28例足月儿进行对照分析。
The performance of those control system during plant transient testing at 30% of full power reach the requirement of the plant normal operation. 在30%额定功率运行时所作的全厂瞬态试验表明,五个控制系统基本上达到了电厂运行要求。
Rational flow of labour force is the most important conditions for the full utilization of labour resources, normal movement of market economy and smooth transfer of rural labour force. 劳动力合理流动是劳动力资源充分利用、市场经济正常运转、农村剩余劳动力顺利转移的重要条件。
On the full normal spaces 关于完满正规空间
The unsteady state term was discretized using the full implicitly schemes. For the diffusion terms, the normal direction vector ( the first diffusion) and the tangent direction vector ( the second diffusion) were calculated by using the intersectant and iterative algorithm. 对于非稳态项采用全隐格式,对于扩散项,采用法向扩散项(一次扩散项)和切向扩散(二次扩散项)进行相互交叉迭代的算法。
2042 birth defects is most full term, normal weight. 2042名出生缺陷儿大多数是足月儿、正常体重。
As the security department for teaching and scientific research in universities, university logistics 'full play to its functions could impact on the normal development of teaching and research work in the universities directly. 高校后勤作为高等教育教学、科研的保障部门,能否充分发挥其职能直接影响到学校教学、科研工作的正常开展。
Under the larger project and more complicated facilities, we need full consideration for save energy on the normal operating situation and how to evacuate passengers efficiently on the irregular situation of equipment and systems. 而工程规模越大,设备系统越多越复杂,越需要对正常工况下设备如何运营能够节能、异常情况设备系统如何动作能够高教地指挥乘客疏散做充分的考虑。
The level of their quality, the ability to size and role can be brought into full play, a direct impact on the normal production and operation of enterprises, economic stability and order of sustainable development is carried out smoothly. 他们素质的高低、能力的大小、作用能否得到充分发挥,直接影响着企业正常的生产经营、经济秩序的稳定和可持续化发展的顺利进行。